Gracie here…woof! I’m sharing five tips and a “pups” cream ice cream recipe to keep us pups cool this summer. If you live in the Midwest, then you never know what kind of weather you’ll face during the summer…some days you never know what kind of weather you’ll face each day or hour! So protecting everyone, even us furry members of your household is important. And for those really hot days, have your human make you some “pups” cream, an ice cream that will cool you down for sure.
Here are my five summer tips to keep us fur-babies cool and safe. Number one may surprise you a bit!
Five Summer Tips to Keep Your Fur-Baby Cool
1. Groom us pets, but don’t shave us down.

Good grooming is important. Matted hair is no fun for anyone, especially us pups with longer-hair. But shaving us to keep us cool may not be as good as you think, depending on the breed. Shaving us pups all the way down to our skin may make us hotter and even expose our skin to the sun, possibly leaving my furry friends at risk for sun cancer. So while I’m not a fan of the groomer, take us in for our grooming appointments to stay clean and well-groomed. And, if you opt to shave your fur-baby down for the summer, be sure to have the groomer leave at least one-inch of fur to protect us from the sun.
2. Water please.
Keeping well hydrated is always a good idea when it’s hot out. Don’t overdo it though and give us a ton of water at one time. Keeping our bowl filled with clean, cool water is good idea. Placing an ice cube in warm water to cool it down is ok; offering me an occasional ice cube is fine too when I’m really hot.
3. Don’t let us sit in a hot car.
This one should be obvious to your humans. If not, bark loudly to remind them that heat rises extremely fast in a locked car and is very bad for us pups, even if your human leaves the air conditioning on while they run a quick errand.
4. Morning walks in the cool breeze.

Aww, this is my favorite part of summer. The kids taking me for a nice long walk in the morning before it’s too hot for any of us. And, it’s good exercise so I can certainly ask for some Banana Sun Butter “Pups” Cream when I get back. Just be patient while I smell these flowers, sniff this blade of grass, bark at this bird…
5. Watch my paws on the sidewalk.
Asphalt and pavement can get incredibly hot and burn the tiny pads on our paws. Taking us for early or late evening walks when the sun has gone down is a good idea to keep our paws safe.
I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream for “Pups” Cream!
Now on to the yummy stuff… “pups” cream, ice cream just for us pups! I’m happy to report it is delicious and my human said it was easy to make.

Banana Sun Butter “Pups” Cream
- 1 banana, chopped and frozen
- 1 tbsp sun butter
- 1/8 tsp honey
- Place a frozen banana, sun butter and a small squirt of honey in a blender.
- Blend until smooth.
- Place in an ice cube tray or small container and freeze.
- If freezing in a small container, cut into bite sized cubes once frozen.
When it’s hot (or your hungry for a treat), bark until you get your “pups” cream. Have a fun summer my furry friends.
Curious about some foods you can eat, regardless of weather? Then check out my list of 10 Foods for Your Fur-Baby. Or, if your human decides to turn on the oven, suggest they make a snack, like Homemade Pumpkin Doggie Biscuits. Stay cool my friends! Woof!
Before giving your fur-baby any food, please consult with your vet to make sure it is ok for their health and diet.
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